Valentine’s day we spent at the National Dog Show in Bydgoszcz. It was a long show, because in addition to the normal day of the exhibition, we were still on the evening show, which began at 19 and ended at 3 am.

On the first show The Sweetest Coton breed represented three of our Cotons. Electra in the intermediate class CAC and thus began her Polish Champion, in Champion Class Bellezza Bianco The Sweetest Coton received her last needed CAC and became a new Polish Champion, and in comparision also received the title of the best adult bitch and BOS. Esprit won BOB!

At night exhibition we showed only Electra and Esprit. And this time it went great. Electra got CAC and the title of the best adult females, and Esprit CAC, best adult dog and BOB.

It was a very long and tiring exhibition, but we came back home with success.