Coton de Tulear in Bydgoszcz

On 13th and 14th February of 2016 we presented our Coton de Tulear in Bydgoszcz (Poland) on National Show – it was a day and a night show.

We take our Coton de Tulear puppies (our new boy COTONBRIE Lennon John and beautiful girl Kelopatra The Sweetest Coton) for the first time for show :0 and it was a hard day and night for them 🙂 Despite this, they did very well.
It was a great time for all of us and also a great first show lesson for The Sweetest Coton puppies.

And now information of the results:

COTONBRIE Lennon John (7,5 months, presented for the first time in Puppy class) 4 BIS Puppy !!!!!!!

Kelopatra The Sweetest Coton (5 months old, presented in Minor Puppy class) Very promising puppy … jupii!!!